Victorian Steampunks

Victorian Steampunks


Jun06 • 2 mins read Steampunk

Victorian Steampunks

Victorians provide steampunk fiction with by far the greatest portion of its characters. This fact is no wonder, as theirs is the period of focus of this delightful niche subgenre of science fiction. Quite often Victorians are pilloried for their uptightness and strict sensitivity toward propriety. George Dower, KW Jeter’s person of interest in his trilogy, provides a lighthearted and comical example of a character overwhelmed by his own virtuosity. (See George Dower – Victorian Man)

In his book Victorian People and Ideas, Richard D. Altick makes an enlightening assertion about Victorian Brits. He begins his volume with an insightful explanation for the character of the Victorian people that few consider, let alone mention. He contrasts the ideals of Victorian generation that inspires so much historical science fantasy with their frivolous romantic predecessors. For example, Lord Byron, the romantic poet, figures among them. Now it would be easy to assume that the stiffly poised Victorian man was the product of generations and even centuries of development, but, as Altick demonstrates in his comparison, quite the opposite is true. In fact, the moral reserve of this generation reacted against their fathers with their own prudence and chastity.

The men of the former generation were so wont to demonstrate their emotions that they would seek out triggers for the onset of tears. They showed their love of great art by weeping at its beauty. Likewise, the frills they wore demonstrated their luxurious status in their own society and in the world at large. They quite literally wore their hearts on their sleeves. So, when the Victorian man holds himself upright, when he sees that his habiliments are well kept, tidy, and properly fitted, and when he speaks reservedly, he is doing so, at least to some degree, out of spite for his father’s generation.

In short, Victorians were punks. Their protestations? Their own Emo dads!

This being noted, it should be of no surprise that the niche subgenre of historical science fantasy should devote itself to Victorian Steampunks.


Non-fiction reading suggestion for more information about the sources of vintage sci-fi.

Victorian People and Ideas, a great resource for the foundation of the steampunk scifi niche subgenre

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